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IDP preffered day and time submissions for scheduled meetings

Please submit your choices for your preferred practice sessions and times you would like the weekly recurring self practice IDP meetings to take place.

Please select the topics in order of preference of ability to attend or if preference is not important in order of availability for time preference. If you are not interested or unable to attend please submit that choice so that we are aware of your ability to attend.

Please convert times to Pacific Time.

Single choice
The order of preference is important for me
All topics are of importance for me
I am not able to attend and/or not interested
Topic - 1st choice
Day - 1st choice
Time - 1st choice
Day - 2nd choice
Time - 2nd choice
Day - 3rd choice
Time -3rdchoice
Topic - 2nd choice
Day - 1st choice
Time - 1st choice
Day - 2nd choice
Time - 2nd choice
Day - 3rd choice
Time -3rdchoice
Topic - 3rd choice
Day - 1st choice
Time - 1st choice
Day - 2nd choice
Time - 2nd choice
Day - 3rd choice
Time -3rdchoice


If you have any questions please contact:  Stacy, Lourdes or Dave.

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